List of Verbs with forms فعل کی فہرست
Admire سراہنا/ پسند کرنا
He wanted to admire me in front of my class mate.
Add اضافہ کرنا
I added 2 teaspoonful sugar in the coffee.
Afford استعطاطت رکھنا
Many people hardly afford the Cars.
Advise مشور ھونا
She advised me to be in college till the interval
Allow اجازت دینا
I can not allow the mean people to enter the university.
Alert خبردار ھونا
Fortunately the security guard was alert when the plunders entered the shop.
Announce اعلان کرنا
I announce there will be no dancing at the dusk.
Analyse تجزیہ کرنا
You must have analysed the situation before uttering.
Apologise معزرت کرنا
They apologised to the professor for being late in the class.
Answer جواب دینا
I am not sure that he knows the correct answer.
Appreciate قدردانی کرنا
I appreciate your work of art.
Applaud داد دینا
Her uncle applauded him in the hall.
Arrange ترتیب دینا
Please arrange a cup of tea for, I am really wipe out.
Argue مباحثہ کرنا
This is not the right time to argue.
Ask پھوچھنا
Can you ask a question
Arrive منزل پر پہنچنا
I wish you arrive safely at home.
Attempt کوشش کرنا
Your attempt to win the competition will be appreciated.
Attack حملہ کرنا
It was a harsh attack on the passerby.
Bang دھماکہ کرنا
The place was banged.
Beg مانگنا
I beg to state that I need two days leave.
Battle جدوجہد کرنا
She is battling the chronic illness.
Bleach سفید کرنا
She wanted to bleach the bathroom floor.
Belong تعلق رکھنا
This laptop belongs to my elder brother.
Blot دھبہ لگانا
There was a colour blot on the shirt under his armpit.
Blink آنکھیں جھپکھانا
It was observed the she blinks a lot.
Boil ابلنا
I boiled two eggs. it was the happiest moment of my life.
Boast شیخی مارنا
He has a habit of boasting in vain.