List of Verbs with forms                                      فعل کی فہرست

Book                 نشت مخصوص کرنا   

I have booked a movie ticket for you.

Bomb                بمباری کرنا

He failed to bombed the spot

Bow                  جھکنا     

Good students bow their teacher in respect.

Borrow              روپہ قرض لینا

Yesterday, He came to me to borrow 500$.

Breathe               سانس لینا  

We naturally breathe to survive.

Branch               شاخ ہونا

This organisation branches into 5 categories.

Bury                   دفن کرنا   

The old lady was buried in her ancestral cemetery.

Burn                    جلانا

We need to burn all the unnecessary documents. 

Camp                   پڑاوڈالنا     

All the scout will camp will here for next two days.

Call                      بلانا

Your mother is calling you. She said.

Cause                    سبب ہونا    

It will cause a chemical reaction in the body.

Carry                    لے جانا

Please can you carry her luggage ?

Charge                  بطور قیمت طلب کرنا     

The hospital will charge 200 rupees for laboratory test.

Change                 تبدیل کرنا

I really tried hard to change her aunt mind.

Check                   اطمینان کرنا       

Please check and count the cash before leaving the counter.

Cheat                   دھوکہدینا

I was cheated twice by the same man.

Choke                  دم گھوٹنا   

Open the door otherwise it will choke them.

Chew                    چبانا

My grand father chews a lot to every bolus.

Clean                    صاف کرنا

Her mother cleaned the kitchen in half hour.     

 Clap                     تالی بجانا

Every man and woman in the hall clap for the retired professor.

Close                     بند کرنا    

Many shops close at 7 pm in our country.

Colour                    رنگنا       

The painter wanted to paint the front wall of the house.

Collect                   جمع کرنا

He collected threads for the cloth factory.

Communicate          بات چیت کرنا   

Mostly conflict is resolved by communicating with each other

Command               ہداہت دینا

The army chief commanded the army to stay in ahead.

Complain                شکایت کرنا        

If you want to complain then please go to main branch.

Compete                 مقابلہ کرنا

Nowadays every body is competing with each other in their professional life.

Concern                  تشویش کرنا       

She has concerned a lot about her father health.

Concentrate            توجہ دینا                

Please concentrate. this is the very important training session. 

Connect                   جوڑنا      

You can contact and connect me through email.

 Confuse                 پریشان کرنا   

Do not confuse her. She has already done it before.

Contain                   مشتمل ہونا        

This book contain a very significant lesson for all of us.

Consist                   مشتمل ہونا     

Today lecture was consisted of five parts.

Correct                   ٹھیک کرنا    

He has skills to correct the project.

Copy                      نقل کرنا                  

He tried to copy you but he eventually failed.

Cover                     ڈھانپنا     

When you go outside, cover your mouth with mask.

Count                      گننا          

I have counted again there are two dozen bananas in the fruit basket.